Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mummy Took Half Day Off

It must have been due to the tiring day yesterday, Little Darling was sound asleep throughout the night without waking up to ask for milk. He woke up late as well this morning.

After Little Darling’s bath, we left at 10am for our PD appointment for his 3rd pneumo-cocal jab. He is such a brave baby because he only wailed less than 10 seconds when the needle was poked onto his thigh!

To praise his brave and compensate him for the pain, we brought him to Botanic Garden for a short stroll. He enjoyed himself very much and surprisingly, today he did not complain sitting on the stroller! We did not stay long at the Botanic Garden as mummy took ‘time off’ in the afternoon to meet up with her friends!

Daddy slept early tonight, the reason? Hahaha….. must be the result of looking after the little rascal this afternoon lah!

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