Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall! Humpty Dumpty had a great fall……… Just now our Little Darling sat on the edge of bed and had a great fall! Sob… sob… sob….
In the past when Little Darling woke up and saw we were not on our bed, many of the times he would crawl to the edge of bed and cry, then we would quickly rushing to him. Daddy and mummy had been telling and showing him do not sit at the edge of the bed after woke up or he will fall. Seemed like he did not understand what we said! Sigh! He did the same just now and fell from his bed! I put mattress on the floor but his right side of forehead still hit on the floor and got bruise.
I was heartache and worried, felt like to cry together with him when he keep saying ‘pain pain, pong, pain pain….’ I think his threshold of pain is pretty high, he smiled again five minutes later!
Daddy was heart pain also when I told him about this incident when he reached home. He was thinking if there is any solution to prevent this from happens again. And finally he decided to keep our beds frames away and place our mattress on the floor like tatami!
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