Our Little Darling turns 1 year old today! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah……. 1 year old boy already! Daddy and mummy wish Little Darling healthy, happy, 快高长大 and guai guai 听话.
Our initial plan for this special day was for merely 3 of us --- Daddy would take leave from work and we would bring Little Darling out to 'jalan jalan'. But it ended up: daddy tied up with his work, so we had to postpone our 'jalan jalan' plan to tomorrow. Anyway Little Darling has to attend lesson this evening, it would be good to let him have enough rest, otherwise mummy would suffer in the class! :P

As I hugged Little Darling in my arms, I recalled the day I delivered Little Darling one year ago, yes, one year exactly...... my memories is still fresh and I can remember vividly about the details on the big event that happened on this date --- how touched I was the first second I saw Little Darling, his look, his chubby and peachy cheeks, his soft and tiny hands and feet, etc………….. How he learned to latch, daddy’s funny posture when carrying this soft, tender and fragile little one etc. I believe I will remember everything happened on this date in my lifetime!
Time flies, one year has past, our Little Darling is a chubby, healthy, strong, active and stubborn big baby now. He has his own thinking and character, very hard headed, always refused to listen to daddy and mummy, always provoke mummy and get smack on his little puffy buttock.
He is good at acting too. He would shed few drops of tear and have them hanging on his chubby cheeks to soften mummy’s heart whenever mummy scolds him for being naughty. He would break into big smiling face immediately when mummy 'sayang' him. He is such a lovable, adorable and sweet darling!

His speech development is much faster then motor skill like walking. He started to say and recognize his favorite fruit ‘apple’ when he was 7 months old. This was then followed by saying and recognising bear, baba (banana), pear, papa, dad dad, mum mum (eat not mummy hor!) purple, pain pain, bite bite, bye, duck, etc-single word starting with b, d and p, with apple and mum mum being the exceptions. I am waiting for Little Darling to say ma ma..... :P
Birthday card and photoframe from Teacher Aishah (SM)