IMM was not as crowded as expected! May be all were rushing down town rather than going to the neighbourhood shopping malls! So many people were looking at Little Darling every now and then, just because he was the only one wearing a blinking Santa hat! There were so many people wearing it when we were at Orchard Road a day before Christmas Eve, it was surprising that he was the only one wearing a blinking Santa hat at IMM on Christmas Day!

Finally our food with us! Our greedy Darling clapped his little hands to show that he liked the food very much! He enjoyed drinking soup and eating turkey meat very much! ‘ mum mum, mum mum… ‘He was asking for more!

One hour meal time had past! We were heading to the Garden Plaza to meet with Aunty Candy and her two kids. There were so many kids playing at the playground! Our Little Darling enjoyed himself very much playing in daddy’s company. Daddy was complaining about his backache yet Little Darling took slide times and again refusing to stop!

There were many kids having fun at the water playground, mummy wanted Little Darling to join in as well. At first, Little Darling was a bit timid, he held daddy’s hands tight and dared not step near to the fountain. He shied away when water shooting up or pouring down. After few minutes’ warming up, he became so daring! He enjoyed himself very much with the water games! On and off he secretively drank the water oblivious to what mummy had told him in advance that he was not to do so! I did not expect he could really take instruction though, after all he was just a baby! After half an hour soaking in the cold water, mummy insisted that we had to go home before he would catch a cold (the weather was cool, it was drizzling and the water is cold)!
Little Darling was grouchy on the way home. Seemed like he had not had enough fun! Daddy promised to bring him to swim when we reached home.
He enjoyed himself very much at the pool. He was shivering when daddy brought him to the slide in the pool (there is a play station at our baby pool). Little Darling just wanted to play though mummy mentioning to him it was time to go home. Half an hour later, mummy had to drag him home by force worrying that he might catch a cold. Also we had to prepare to go to my in-laws house for dinner.