This diary is written by daddy and mummy for our Little Darling. We would like to capture all precious and wonderful moments that we spend together with our Little Darling. As Little Darling grows up to become Darling then a gentleman, he can always come to this blog to read and share with daddy and mummy's greatest joy! Daddy and mummy would relive these precious memories one day while swinging on rocking chairs. ;-D ;-D
The little body was stripped naked, blind-folded and flip to lie on stomach during the photolight theraphy. Our Darling was struggling, kicking and crying loud! I heartache and I cried. Daddy was cried also when he saw the Little one crying in the nursery while the big one crying outside the nursery.
Hb dragged me home for dinner at 9pm. I insisted of went back to the hospital again at 11:00pm to deliver EBM for our Little Darling. After so many hours putting in the light theraphy box, he still cried loud and struggling! I really heartpain and again I could not control my tears from rolling out seeing our little one was suffering.
I had a sleepless night! We rushed back to hospital the next day morning 7:00am. We were waiting outside the nursery and I insisted of feeding him myself every 3 hours. He looks so tired! My heart so aching! How wish if I can do the theraphy on his behalf!