Friday, October 31, 2008

Right Foot Pain!

From next week onwards, Little darling is going to stay in a childcare center as mummy is started work week after next. Thought of spending a peaceful and relaxing day with Little Darling at home since we have been very busy last two weeks zooming everywhere sourced for childcare center and Little Darling could not have his proper nap too.

This morning, when I was preparing breakfast, Little Darling was playing in the kitchen as usual though I keep reminding him that coffee is very hot, kettle is very hot etc. Before I finished nag, he kicked on the cup of coffee and burnt his right foot! I quickly soak his feet in a pot of room temperature water and tried to calm him down. He wailed loud and kept shouting ‘Mummy hug hug mummy kiss, Darling pain Darling pain Darling worry!’ After half an hour then I applied some toothpaste on the burnt foot and brought him to see doctor.

Luckly doctor said is minor and prescribed us some pain relief cream and pain killer in case Little Darling cry pain. He was fine when reach home. I applied the cream on his right foot and told him to sit tight on the chair and he really sitting there whole morning till I carried him! In the afternoon, he quikly asked mummy to hug him as he worried when he saw I made a cup of coffee! Guess he still has the phobia! Sigh.................

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hindhede Reserve Park

We have been busy running around searching for childcare center for our Little Darling on weekdays. So when it comes to weekends mummy would be simply dog tired and not able to move anymore. That was how it came to pass that long time no outing for our Little Darling. Daddy suggested bringing him to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve to see monkeys. Before that for every day Little Darling would point to Bt Timah hill faraway and say monkeys there when he saw Bt Timah hill from window in our room.

After a short stop at Farm Mart, we headed to Bt Timah Hill… The sky was dark and then clear, unpredictable, so I was worried if it would be pouring when we are half way up the hill. Ended up we let Little Darling played at the Hindhede Reserve Park. There are so many recreation facilities for kids to spend their time there. Little Darling so happy with the swing, monkey bar, etc.

When he was enjoying himself, he did not forget to look around hoping to see monkeys! We spent hour plus there but did not see any monkeys out there. Little Darling complained ‘Monkeys naughty! Go holidays not coming out!’ hahaha…. He still wanted to see monkeys, we spent an hour walking round hoping to bump into one but in vail. Little Darling was so disappointed and wailing loud! He had got too tired calling monkeys to come out. We tried our best to console him and finally lured him to go to the fast food restaurant! When he saw the statue sitting on the roadside, he said ‘ Uncle McDonald naughty, sitting on the roadside!’… hahahahaha
(all photos lost when daddy lost his handphone)

Uncle McDonald Naughty!

Have been busy running around searching for childcare center for our Little Darling on week days. When comes to wkeend mummy was simply dog tired and could not move anymore. Long time no outing for our Little Darling. Daddy suggested to bring him to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve to see monkeys. Every day Little Darling would point to far and said monkeys there when he saw Bt Timah hill from our room.

After a short stop at Farm Mart, we heading to Bt Timah Hill… The weather was dark and clear unpredicatbale, I was so worried what to do if pouring when half way up the hill. End up we decided to let Little Darling played at the Hindhede Reserve Park. There are so many facilities for kids to spend their tie there. Little Darling so happy with the swing, monkey bar etc.

When he was enjoying himself, he never forget to look around hope to see monkeys! We spent hour plus there but did not see any monkeys out. Little Darling complained ‘Monkeys naughty! Go holidays not coming out!’ hahaha…. He insisted to see monkeys, we spent one hour walking around hope to bump into one but no one is out! Little Darling was so disappointed and wailing loud! Guess he was too tired calling monkeys to come out but refused to leave. We spent a lot of effort to console him and finally lured him to go to the fast food restaurant! When he saw the statue sitting on the roadside, he said ‘ Uncle McDonald naughty, sitting on the roadside!’… hahahahaha
(all photos lost when daddy lost his handphone)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

See Horse

After dinner, we brought Little Darling to Turf Club for folk songs around the world performed by Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

When we just stepped down from car, Little Darling cried ’Horse smell, horse smell!’… hahaha The air was full with horses waste smell and this little one recognised that as horse smell! He was too eager to see horse! He hustled daddy to walk fast towards the racecourse, he couldn’t be bother that the performance was started soon. With great expectation came great disappointment when he saw no horse at all! He was already not in good mood having skipped afternoon nap and now he cried to the fullest as he pestered daddy and mummy that he wanted to see horse.

Finally he cooled down after much effort to pacify him. I thought that we could enjoy the performance with peace but all seats were occupied, looked like it was some family activity as the audience was mainly grandparents and parents who brought their little ones there. With the cranky and sleepy Little one, we could only enjoyed few songs and left Turf Club before the performance ended. On the way home, our Little one kept nagging “daddy and mummy where is horse? see horse, see horse” Tomorrow go to see horse! He really loves to see animals!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Evening Walk

We went to Henderson Wave bridges late afternoon together with aunty Fei Yen and aunty Wei Ling. A green, windy and serene forest park with tall walk paths built in. Nice place for family or friends outings. Even monkeys come join the crowds too!

Little Darling was running freely on the bridge. On the way back, he stopped to admire kids sliding on the edge of the bridge (though is not advisible to do so as the rough surface could cause accident) and refused to walk further. He had forgotten about the story of ‘The Black Lamb’ (a naughty lamb who did not listen to mummy sheep, walked away from group and lost; fell from cliff when it turned dark.) Mummy purposely left him alone and observed him from far. He was shocked when he realised that he could not find daddy and mummy and started walked in the opposite way crying. Daddy quickly chased him up and hugged him.

We walked to the Henderson Arch too. It was metal canopy top where Little Darling fell three times. The Little one asked mummy to kiss his painful hands and knee caps and told mummy ‘ Darling poor thing!’ hahaha….. Poor thing because fell three times! We turned back half way before reach Hortpark as it has turned dark and mosquitoes started to attack Darling.

New Teacher New Classmates

First day of the morning class, we met Teacher Lynn in the washroom and mummy asked Little Darling to greet teacher and give her a hug. It was after a long persuasion that he said ‘teacher’ reluctantly but still insisted not to hug Teacher! I asked why he refused to hug Teacher, the answer shocked me! He said’ Darling angry!” but he did not give reason. We could only guess that he was angry because Teacher is not going to teach him. Hahaha… Actually mummy was the one who changed the class and not that Teacher did not want him! I explained to him but wondered if he understood it.

In the new class with new teacher and new classmates, Little Darling shied off for the first 10 minutes. Teacher Helen tried to talk to him but he was giving her the cold shoulders! He refused to say hello to his new friends too!
But he warmed up pretty fast when the class started. He actively participated when teacher asked him to do so and he did all the activities pretty well too though still refused to respond when Teacher Helen talk to him!
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