Thursday, June 26, 2008
Stayed At Ah Mah Home
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Xiao Yi's Solemnisation
It was xiao yi’s wedding solemnization today. We arrived at the venue Merchant Court Hotel half an hour early. All the kids were happy playing at the poolside. Daddy was in-charge of taking care of Little Darling this morning while mummy was engaged as the part-time photographer for the ceremony.
There was a buffet lunch held at the hotel after the solemnization ceremony. Our Little Darling was more busy at disturbing others than eating. Seemed like whole day he need not eat nor nap except going around and making a lot of noise.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Little Darling went to play in the walk-in water fountain with only diaper on. After over an hour he still did not want to stop. We had to quickly change him in dry clothes as we worried he might catch a cold. After that, we let him explore in the garden. There are many spices, fruit trees and flowers and Little Darling liked the jackfruit trees most of all. He thought the jackfruits were durians because both have poky husks! :-)
He was a bit hesitant to walk on the suspension bridge initially but he asked for more after he had tried it!
We spent quite a long time in the garden and left there at dinner time. We will bring Little Darling back to play at this place, a splendid place indeed.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Our Short Conversation
I was so surprised that Little Darling suddenly telling me ‘ two year old’ during our chatting session when I was preparing flashcards this morning. He pronounced the sentence clearly and correctly with an amusing gesture by raising up his right hand up and up till he finished the sentence of three words! :-)
Now we chat a lot! :-) And I can have short questions and answers with him too! As follow,
Mummy: What is your name, Darling?
Darling: Javier
Mummy: How old are you, Javier?
Darling: Two year old.
Mummy: Where are you staying?
Darling: Zingapour (Singapore)!
Mummy: Where is your home?
Darling: xxxxx xxxx (Little Darling knows to speak out the name of our estate.)
Mummy: Who are your family members?
Darling: Mummy, Dad dad, Ling Ling, home.
Mummy: What you want to be when you grow up?
Darling: Doctor!
Though it is a very short conversation but I am happy with his speech development and really look forwards to a longer and longer and longer conversation! :-)
Monday, June 09, 2008
Too Curious!
He is simply too curious and too stubborn to heed others’ advice! Guess he would learn through touch and physical feel! We have been putting hot stuff far inside the table so that he cannot reach them! And mummy has been nagging at him not to touch things in the kitchen especially those on the stoves!
It was heart-rending to see two big red blisters on his little fingers! Sigh!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Locked In The Bedroom!!!

What a nightmare this morning!
Little Darling poo poo-ed early in the morning after he woke up. As usual, he was running around the Master bedroom, playing ‘catch-me-if-you-can’, not letting me clean him. I was very tired with this behavior, so I left him carry on with his mischief and went out of the bedroom to prepare his morning bath water, intending to come back to him after that.
I heard him wail when I was busy preparing water in the Powder room! Master bedroom door was closed! Quickly I rushed to open the door ….. Gosh! It was locked! Little Darling was frightened and screaming inside while I was looking for the key in panic! I was unable to locate it! Out of no choice, I called for help from guards! While waiting for the locksmith to come, I asked two guards to break the lock as Little Darling was wailing and shouting for mummy at the other side of the door! I really worried that he might injure himself from banging on the door!
The locksmith arrived only when the door lock was broken by the guard and just before daddy rushed back from office! Little Darling was so panicked that he tried hard to push open the door when the locksmith was still hard at work prying the broken door lock that jammed the door. When the door was finally opened Mummy quickly hugged Little Darling and checked if he suffered any bruises! He was soaked with sweat and stunk from having the poo with him for over an hour! I was at a loss for words to notice that in all the panic, he was capable of taking the toothpaste tube from the washroom and squeezed out some toothpaste on the floor. There were also some books and files thrown at the door!
Thank Goodness! He emerged unharmed but only shaken from the experience! He kept saying ‘scared scared’ for some time after that!