We went to airport this morning to see grandpa and grandma off for visit/leisure in China.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hurray! Our Little Darling Know To Walk Already!
We went to airport this morning to see grandpa and grandma off for visit/leisure in China.
Daddy was holding one of Little Darling’s hands to let him practice walking at the Viewing Mall as the place was so spacious and presented no obstacles. Little Darling really enjoyed himself walking as he walked from right to left and back. More and steadier as he carries on walking!
When we were waiting for MRT to depart, he also kept walking inside the MRT train. So many people in the train were looking at him and smiling to him. He treated it as if that was his honours to perform show for all his admirers and continued his walk till train left the station. Then mummy forbidden him from moving about. He was reluctant to stop but he was attracted by his milk milk! After taking his milk, he was sleep sound on the train even though the surroundings was so noisy! He must be very tired! His pair of small feet walked non-stop for about two hours!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
New Milestones!
Let mummy update some of his achievements: :-)
Little Darling can speak and pronoun multiple syllabus single word like papa-eeeyah, poo-ta-too, pine-apple etc! This is wonderful, many people was amazed that he could do so well at this stage!
New Resolution: Mummy decided to speak Mandarin more often to Little Darling knowing that he does not understand even a simple Chinese word.
Little Darling still learning to walk, he could walk 8 to 10 steps unaided these few days. We are proud of his progress! He is quite bold; he would try to walk whenever he can. But of course when he wanted to be fast, he will crawl instead! :-D
New Resolution: Will let him do more exercises!
Little Darling has only six teeth (four on top and two at the bottom), mummy has to continue to give semi-solid food to him. As usual, Little Darling’s main course is porridge with vegetable (boil and cut it small) and steamed fish only. He would show sour face when eating egg. Mummy tried to let him taste as many types of food as possible but most of the time he throw out those food especially meat as Little Darling is not able to chew it properly.
New Resolution: Mummy will try to introduce Little Darling noodle and pasta.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
An Afternoon Stroll At Kent Ridge Park
Our Little Darling is sleeping sound now! He must be tired from the two hour ‘hiking’ at Kent Ridge Park. We reached Kent Ridge Park at 4pm, right timing for a stroll along the tree-line pavements in the green and serene park.
Our Little Darling was sitting comfortably on his stroller and enjoying the fresh air while basking in this greenery. It was so windy and tranquil; there are only the sounds of toads croaking, insects squealing and birds chirping! A bit disappointment was the peace and serenity environment disrupted by the construction work going on towards the end of the canopy walk!
After the stroll, we stopped at the look-out point to take a rest and at the same time admire the sea view! The sky was so blue, clouds were so white! There was soon to have a sunset! Seemingly from nowhere, a sort of vintage small airplane flew over our heads trailing two straight and white streaks on the blue sky. Needless to say we were excited by this; so was Little Darling who for very first time saw an airplane flying at such close range.
Initially we intended to stay to see sunset, we sat waiting on one of the bench and let Little Darling seeing dragonflies, butterflies and bees flying around flowers. There were toads croaking and Little Darling looked puzzled as he had never come across this sound before. We brought him near to the drain to see the two toads jumping and croaking there. He was so excited seeing that! Now he would make the ‘croak’ sound when we ask him how is froggy croaking…. He is very clever right? :-P
In the end, we missed the sunset as mummy was too tired and she worried Little Darling’s dinner time would be too late after we see the sunset!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Grow-Hair Resolution!
There were numerous times that strangers of walks of life-young & old, all races-Chinese, Malay, Indian, Caucasians and even Japanese and male or female came to play and touch our Little Darling when we brought him out. Comments received are only one, that is --- He is so cute! Mummy was wondering what they meant by ‘cute’? Ugly but adorable or SWEET and ADORABLE?!
Little Darling will turn fourteen months old next week. He is plump with a babyish face and his hair very fine, short; it must be like down-feather! Mummy also puzzling why Little Darling’s hair just does not grow! It was shaved some thirteen months ago but it is not even one cm long now. Mummy always jokes that Little Darling is too busy to be naughty and think tricks to ‘torture’ mummy, he hardly has time to grow hair…. Hehe…..
Last week, Little Darling’s SM classmate Jayden’s Grand-ma was telling mummy that she used to apply a kind of hair lotion to Jayden’s mother when she was young as well as now to Jayden whose hair is growing nice and thick. She said this hair lotion is only found in Jakarta and she would give me one to try if I was keen.
She did give us two bottles of hair lotion today, one is for grow long and thick hair and the other to soften the hair. They are products from Jakarta made of aloe vera, citric acid, aqua, oil etc. Mummy will apply these lotions on Little Darling scalp diligently each time after bath in the hope that Little Darling would finally be persuaded to “take time off” to grow his hair long and thick soon! :-D :-D :-D
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Little Darling's New Car Seat
Mummy would have problem driving Little Darling out without daddy around as, due to airbag constraint, our current rear-facing baby car-seat cannot be put at front seat. So daddy and mummy decided to buy a new front-facing car-seat for Little Darling. The main criteria for new car seat were that, it must comfortable and enable us to fasten and unfasten the seat-belt fast, as Little Darling has little patience to wait!
Mummy is a practical and cost-conscious ‘accountant’ who strongly objects to buying an expensive branded car seat. Mummy’s theory was that so long as quality does not differs much, mummy would rather choose something that is usable, handy and durable than to pay extra for branded, stylish and upmarket stuff. Hence, daddy and mummy spent quite some time to reach a consensus on this car seat! :P And the winner’s… of course mummy! Hehe…… Another reason why I insisted on this car seat was that my sister and neighbour are using the same brand and model of car seat, so far so good, no negative comments about it while the price is inexpensive.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Our Good Helpher!?

Anyone need helper to swing your baby? I have a good one to recommend!... Really?! Yes, please refer to photos attached! Hahaha….. Service is not guaranteed!
Our Little Darling volunteered to help his ah-yi to swing his di-di (my sister’s baby boy who is three months younger then our Little Darling) to nap in sarong! He even imitated his ah-yi’s singing ’ ooh…ooh…ooh….’ while he was standing next to the sarong, pulling the string to swing it! He really did a good job!
Our Little Darling seemed to have turned into a brave little boy in seconds! He walked two, three steps unaided to the sarong and standing next to it to swing it! And he successfully repeated the same steady act many times this afternoon when my sister purposely brought him a short distance away from the sarong again and again!
This was the first time he saw people swinging the sarong as all the other times he was the one who sleeping in the sarong. We felt amazed and at the same time amused with his behavior!
Little Darling And Di-di

Currently little Darling is the second youngest in my family, the youngest is my sister’s baby boy who is three months younger than Little Darling.
Two of them are not much different in terms of looks except Little Darling is slightly shorter but fatter than di-di. But there are huge dissimilarities in terms of character and personality!
Little Darling is extremely active and talkative. He moves around non-stop, climbs up and down, crawls here and there, up and down staircases while his mouth makes all kinds of noise. On and off his two itchy hands will beat people or snatch things from people.
But di-di is very much different from him. Di-di is a quiet, obedient and shy baby. He was sitting properly and waiting patiently during feeding time. He is learning to crawl currently, with my sister always using some food to tempt him to move forward. On and off he would make some noise if he felt irritated or unhappy, but this is really rare as compared to our Little Darling. He is a sweet darling!
It was a tough job to take photos for kids sitting or standing together. It took me a long time to put the two of them sitting together. Besides having no interaction with di-di, our Little Darling refused to sit tight, not even a second, his itchy hands beat his di-di countless times!
The Naughtiest Kid Among All Cousins
Today is Hari Raya Aidilfitri and it is a Saturday, we will go back to ah-mah (my mum) house. Little Darling will be very happy to go to ah-mah house, there will be so many ah-yis and cousins to play with, ah-mah will cook yummy food for him and there is a big car-porch at ah-mah house where he can play tricycle and the remote-controlled toy car. See, he looks like a skilful driver in the toy car, doesn’t he?
Among all cousins, Little Darling is the naughtiest, most mischievous and active one. All people in my family dote on him a lot and he behaves like a Little Emperor! He always bullies his gor-gor, snatch toys from gor-gor and sometimes he even beats them if they dare tease him while playing with him. But one of his jie-jie who is one and half year older then him is fiercer then he…. Hahaha…..

It has been a long time since we last time we took pictures for all these little ones, so we thought of taking some pictures for those little ones that are at home today! See, all sat up properly to have their pictures taken and Little Darling was the only one who could not sit tight but kept wanting to flee from the sofa….
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Little Darling Starts To Walk Few Steps Unaided
After having bathed Little Darling, I thought of letting him view the scenery outside our bedroom window for a while before I started to get busy in kitchen. I told him that I would like to take some pictures of him but our naughty baby refused to cooperate. No matter how I pleaded with him, he had his back facing me and purposely remained so. Few minutes later, he suddenly turned to face me and smiled cheerfully. I quickly snapped out my camera to capture the moments, in whatever postures of his.
I guessed Little Darling must be in good mood, as suddenly he wanted to show me he could stand unaided. I clapped hands to praise his brave act. Wow! Little Darling walked 3 steps unaided……. Our Little Darling finally made his first steps this morning! Though many of his friends of his age are already walking steadily, this is still his great achievement!
He tried walking 2, 3 steps unaided when playing in the living room this afternoon. I was so happy! Before this, I worried about carrying him around, that I felt I have difficulty of doing so nowdays, especially when me alone have to bring him to classes.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Visit To Fish Farm
It was drizzling in the late morning. Outdoor activities would be dreaded as it was wet everywhere. We changed our outing plan to bring Little Darling to a fish farm since he likes to see fishes so much.
Daddy said that there might be few people at the fish farm in this kind of weather. To our surprise, the place was so pack, the carparks were almost full. Little Darling was excited at the sight of so many fishes in the fish tanks. He touched the fish tanks, talking and shouting. There were so many species of fish like gold fish, arrowana (dragon fish), angel fish, blue lobster-prawns and koi. There were also many attractive designs of aquarium.
This was a fruitful trip as Little Darling got to see so many different kinds of colourful fishes!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Mosquitoes Kisses!
I nearly fainted when I woke up this morning! There was one big red spot on our Little Darling’s face and 5 red spots on his head and his left foot! Goodness me! These were kisses by mosquitoes and it happened last night!? It made daddy and mummy’s hearts pain!

There is fogging carried out at our place every Tuesday, yet there are still mosquitoes on the hunt here! Daddy quickly put up a mosquito net at Little Darling’s bed without further delay. We really can’t afford to take chances a second time!
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