27 March, 2009 Friday
Singapore -> Tokyo (Narita 成田)
Mummy left office at 4pm to fetch darling home earlier to prepare for tonight flight to go to our 7D5N Fascinating Japan! We were very excited as daddy and mummy did not travel for quite a while and this was our first time fly together with Darling. We took 11.40pm SQ to Narita Airport.

We left house at 9.45pm. Usually Darling is having his sweet dreams at this hour, that’s why he was extremely cranky on the cab. He started to create trouble and running everywhere at Terminal 3 when we were busy checking in luggages. Both daddy and mummy were very tired after a whole day work and still have to chase this bao bei up and down. All kind of excuses and reasons and even threatens were just simply unable to keep him sit still. Really can’t wait to board on the plane so that I can make him sleep.
On the plane, Darling nonstopped on and off the television, put on and take off ear-piece, busy press and push all the buttons. Almost 1am then he fall asleep. Phew, finally I can rest a while.

28 March, 2009 Saturday
Narita -> Tokyo Disney Resort (迪士尼乐园) -> Yokohama (横滨)
Hotel: Shinyokohama Prince
We arrived at Narita Airport around 6.45am. Due to communication broke down, we (some of the tour members and tour guard) wasted one hour at the luggage claim area waiting for the rest of members while they were waiting for us at the entrance.
The weather was chilled. Darling loves it so much!

Our first destimation in Tokyo was Disneyland. As it was Japan school holidays, every game was long queue and crowded. We managed to snap some shots with some of the cartoons characters but missed Mickey and Minnie as the queue is super long.

Darling enjoyed the cold weather and new stuff very much. Though he was very tired but he refused to rest. His eyes were almost closed at 1pm+ but he insisted to see roadshow. He sat on daddy’s shoulders watching shows with his half open eyes!

We left Disneyland at around 3.30pm and moved towards Asakusa Kannon Buddist Temple (浅草寺)and Nakamise Avenue. Darling fell asleep on the bus after milk.
Darling was still napping when we were at Nakamise Avenue at 5pm, I tried to wake him up and carried him along to Asakusa Kannon Buddist Temple. He was very cranky and stick to mummy to carry him all the way. We did a quick shop for some souveniers and snacks at Nakamise Avenue and zoom in the McDonald to ask for some hot water to make milk.

Darling continued to sleep after milk when we proceed to next destination --- Yokohama Chinatown. I learnt my lesson and decided to stay on the bus with Darling and let daddy go without us instead both wasted our time staying on the bus.

When we reached Ramen Museum at about 8pm, I woke up Darling as we have to take dinner at Ramen Museum. Mummy was very tired as I have not sleep for more then forty-eight hours yet Darling was so moody and refused to let daddy carry him. Mummy carried him (16kg+) climbed up all the way to third floor. My shoulders and hands plus legs were nummed, unable to tolerate the pain any more! I was simply exhausted and could not bear for another second. Quickly we rushed in a shop which immediately can get a seat. What a relief! We know that the yummy and famous ramen shop was some where else but I couldn’t be bothered and insisted to have in the nearest shop as my arms were going to burst! I don’t know if we were too tired and hungry or the ramen was really delicious compared to those we ate in Singapore. I finished the big bowl of yummy yummy ramen! Darling was too moody and tired, he has no appetite and missed his favourite noodle!
Now then I realised the Ramen Museum design is really 复古! Old movies were painted on the walls and the environment is really like back to 60s (may be I guess). Stalls outside noodles shops selling some old stuff.

I started to worry how to carry Darling back to our bus. True enough, he insisted mummy to carry him. What kind of job was it!? It was very tough! I felt that my shoulders were tearing down.
I 'throw’ myself on the bed after a quick shower. I felt like a flatted battery that need to recharge immediately!
29 March,2009 Sunday
Yokohama -> Hakone (大涌谷) -> Mt Fuji Lake
Hotel: Fujinomo Kaen
Morning call at 7am. After washed and change, we had our Japanese style buffet breakfast at the hotel restaurant. We did not eat much as Darling refused to eat. I packed few buns in the lunchbox for him to bite on the bus.
We were heading to Hakone this morning. We stopped at Owakudani Boiling Valley(大涌谷) after 45 minutes drives. There was full with armonia smell and every where was smoking. My muscles were very painful; due to carried Darling night before. I can’t carry him anymore today yet he still refused to let daddy carry him, we do not climb up the hill to see boiling well. We shoped for some souvenier at the shops and ate the famous black boiled eggs.

Many uncles and aunties in our group asked daddy and mummy why travel with such a small kid (Darling is the youngest member in our group)! We have to miss and sacrify a lot enjoyable stuff especially mummy who has to carrying Darling and keep him company when he is sleeping. But think....... mummy will lost interest on all stuff if leave Darling at home! This is mummy!
Next destination was Gotemba Premium Outlet Mall (卸殿场直销购物商场) where there are many brand fashions, sports goods on a giant site. We shopped one round but could not find things we want as most of the things we can get at the same price or cheaper in Singapore. We stooped in the ice-cream house to enjoy our sweet desserts instead

We have early lunch after leftt the outlet mall. The meal provided was udon and tempura with rice. Darling managed to finish the small bowl of rice while I took udon and tempura. I found that the salted samon tasted funny but unable to tell where goes wrong. Anyway no one complained except me so I keep my lips seal.

Five minutes after meal when we were shopping at the shop next to the restaraunt, I have stomachache. I feel okay after 'unloaded' and I thought I should be fine after that.
Tour guide told us that the journey to next station --- Iyashi no Sato Nenba (西湖温柔之乡根场) was one hour and forty-five minutes if the journey is smooth without trafftc jam. I was very happy as Darling fell asleep after took his afternoon milk. I started to feel stomachache again and have the urge to go toilet. Gosh! Food poisoning! I prayed that I am fine after a while or hope the bus will stop at one of the petrol kiosk to pump petrol. But……. But… it went to highway! I know I must endure with the pain till reach next destination. I stiff on my seat as I will feel killing pain if I move and the urge was extremely strong. My goodness! The two hours passed like two months, finally reached Iyashi no Sato Nenba. I rushed down the bus without put on my winter clothing and zoom directly to the toilet. I feel so much better after relief. On the way back to bus then I realise the weather was chilly. I shive badly with the windy breeze. Mummy stayed on the bus to company Darling who was still having his sweet dreams. Daddy has to rushing to catch up with the group members who had walked far inside the village.
(Iyashi no Sato Nenba is an ancient village ot traditional artworks. All the house are thatched roofs.) Mummy enjoying this peaceful moment different way from others!

On the way back to hotel, we passing by a beautiful lake --- Lake Saiko(西湖).

We stayed in a traditional resort hotel. Darling like the japanese pyjamas very much! Most of the tourists dine with the traditional costume.
We did not eat much during the buffet dinenr as darling was pretty cranky, think not enough sleep.
The night is freezing but Darling sleep sound on the tatami.

30 March, 2009 Monday
Mt Fuji -> Nagoya (名古屋)
Hotel: Nagoya Kokusai
We woke up early this morning and prepared to go Mt Fuji. Though last night weather forecast that last night was snowing (no wonder it was freezing), we still hope that we can go up Mt. Fuji.
Tour guard said we would not be able to reach 5th station but have to stop at 1st station instead. Sigh......
Half way up to Mt Fuji, we stopped at the Mt. Fuji Visitors Center to watch some video clips about Mt Fuji and there are many other materials about the mountain.
There was not much happening at 1st station except all 'botak' tress, peaceful surrounding and cozy weather.

When we were about to leave the place, we saw many coaches were moving towards the higher station and we insist to go though tour guide told us not much to see there. We have no regret as we saw snowing at 3rd station. Darling enjoy very much though he has running nose! Caught cold last night!

We really hope that we can see Mt Fuji when we go down the hill as we could not see it when we were at the Mt Fuji visitor center.
Wow! Glad that the weather turned bright and clear. On the way to Nagoya, our tour guide stopped half way to let take some pictures of Mt Fuji as it was clear without blocking by cloud….. amazing magniciant scenery ……

Next we proceed to Nagoya (名古屋). Daddy joined the rest of members to take bullet train but mummy and Darling followed the bus to Nagoya as Darling was napping!
After the group joined us back at Nagoya we proceed to Nagoya tower where we prepared to shop till drop! That is Oasis 21 where I planned to buy my dear Burberry Blue Label for myself and xiao yi! Darling enjoyed his Thomas & Friends at the 7th floor and refused to leave when time to back to coach. Mummy forced to drag him all the way. The bad temper toddler continued to shout and scream on the coach! Hard time!
31 March, 2009 Tuesday
Nagoya -> Kyoto (京都) -> Osaka (大阪).
Hotel: Ana Crowne Plaza Osaka

We heading to Kyoto(京都) this morning. There were many cherry blossom blooming along the way to Kyoto. Really hope to see more when we are there! Nice scenery with all the Tang Dynasty design building and along river 2 sides of cherry blossom.

Heian Shrine (平安寺)was our 1st stop. We went to visit the most represented Shinto Shrine in Kyoto. The local believe that we must enter the Shrine using the door at the center where the broom hanging on top of the gate will sweep away all the bad thing from body. There was a well where all must clean hands and mouth using the water before proceed to the Shrine. When come out must go out by the side door as we had collect all the good blessing. If out using the middle door. Good luck will be sweep away again! Okay, since locals believe that, must well we just follow!

After that we walk to restaurant for our lunch. Darling was very good today, he help himself finished a bowl of rice! Wonderful Darling!.
After lunch we walk along the river opposite the street to captured some pictures with cherry blossom.

Next stop was silk weaving center at Nishijin district. There were many silk products and kimono show.

Now, we proceed to a big city --- Osaka(大阪). Our next designation was Osaka Castle(大阪城堡) Darling managed to catch 2 hours nap before we reach Osaka Castle. He was very cranky as not enuff nap. Happened to see a train picture on the sightboad and he keep saying want to see Thomas. There was drum performance in the castle but we have to proceed for our dinner before tour around the castle. By the time finished our dinner, drum team gone and Darling started to find fault, he cried and shouting and walked around the castle premise looking for Thomas and drum!
About 7.30pm, we left castle and heading to Osaka’s finest and busiest shopping district --- Shinsaibashi Bontonbori 新斋桥和道 吨堀 店街.
Due to Darling did not eat during dinner time. We bought him a fish burger from big M while daddy and mummy shoping along Shinsaibashi Bontonbori.

01 April, 2009 Wednesday
Osaka : Universal Studio
Hotel: Nikko Kansai
Today’s itinerary … whole day in Universal Studio.
We rented a stroller as daddy and mummy would not be able to carry Darling round for one whole day. We walked around and managed to catch just one 3D movie followed by one 4D movies --- Terminator III and Sesame Street. Darling enjoyed the 3D and 4D shows very much. He was a bit frightened when the real men jumping out, came down the stage during fighting scene in the Terminator III show but he was fine after that.
Every where was long queue and crowded so we decided to go for just one more show. We went for The Sesame Street, we hoped that Darling would have fun with the cartoon characters. We queued for about one and the half hour in the rain to get into the theatre. It was drizzling yet Darling refused to put on raincoat which almost drove me crazy, I almost wanted to give up the show. Luckily we didn’t. Darling loved the show very much. He sat on the seat himself during the show and his eyes never move away from the screen since the first second the show started. He was very steady and had no fear or shock when our seats were rocking and shaking. He did not bother to clean the water sprayed on his face during a raining scene in the show. Towards the end of the show, Elmo riding on the rainbow moving towards us, right up to our faces. Darling reached out his hand trying to catch Elmo! :P
It was raining in the afternoon, we stopped at The Snoopy Studio. Daddy wanted to take Darling to ride the mini roller coaster while mummy was to go shopping in the souvenier shops. Darling was getting more and more worried and keep asking for mummy may be he was missing mummy after queueing there for an hour. When they got onto the roller coaster train, Darling was wailing unconsolable. Daddy had no choice but to get off the train without ride.
When rains stopped, we walked around the place. Darling was happily taking pictures with lion from Oz and other characters but he was visibly frightened by the robot who came to shake his hand.We decided to leave Universal Studio at 5pm, thinking of to rest in a restaurant located in a nearby shopping center but Darling puked on the floor. Darling not feeling so well as his cough getting worse. We finally settled down in the McDonald to let Darling drink milk and rest as he was simply too tired.
Daddy and mummy took prawn burgers which is special and yummy.
The night, we stayed at Osaka airport hotel. Darling told me that he does not want to go home, want to go kai kai! :P
02 April, 2009 Thursday
Osaka (大阪) -> Singapore

After boarded, Darling enjoyed himself with apple juice and some musics. As Darling cough and running nose still quite bad. I fed him with cough syrup and flu medicine after milk and he slept all the way back to Singapore. This the only time mummy caught a short nap!
Home sweet home. But Darling wanted to take aeroplane and go holidays again! When we were on the cab, he asked mummy to go check room (hotel), refused to go home! But daddy and mummy both dead tired.... definately worse than working!