Saturday, January 27, 2007

1st Flip

We have appointment with PD for our little darling’s 5 months old review and jab. When we were busy bathing and changing him to get ready to go out, he flipped! This day has been long waiting. He made it this morning! We were so happy and touch to see our little one’s development! Himself very happy too! See! He smiled happily after he flipped over!

Our little darling is such a brave baby, after flipped over, he raised his head as high as he could and staring and smiling at us!

Monday, January 01, 2007

01.01.2007 Happy New Year

01 January 2007, a fresh and breezy first day of a year! Still remember clearly that exactly one year ago, hb and me were delighted by the wonderful doubled-pink lines of the pregnancy test kit!

Now we have our precious one hug tight in our arms. He is about 4.5months old. A healthy, cheerful and playful angel! Mummy likes to put him sit leans against the sofa and taking pictures for him! Look! He was doing well!

May this brand new year showering our family with lots of joy, love and peace!
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker