We had been trying to have a little one for almost a year. It was a long and taxing journey to both my hb and me.
I went for a hormone profile checkup during my Dec'05 mensus period and came back with good news, my FSH level was pretty low (about 6) and I really hoped that we could strike this round.
We have planned a trip to Cameron Highlands for a short break during Christmas time, a long journey was to be avoided after my ovulation period. I felt tension and tightness at my lower abdomen and my body temperature remained on the high side these few days. I had a gut feeling that I might be pregnant, hence I paid extra care during the trip.
Early in the morning on 01 Jan 06, our greatest joy came about in the form of double-deep pink lines on the pregnancy test kit! We had finally made it! We were overjoy and could hardly wait till 3 Jan 06 to see our gynae for confirmation; the clinic was closed for new year!
On 03 Jan morning, we did a blood test as ordered by our gynae. I was in no mood to work as I was so anxious to know the blood test result. I waited till lunch time to call the nurse. My pregnancy was confirmed. Late afternoon I rushed to the clinic for hormone support jab and also took home some medicine for pregnancy support.
As a first time and anxious mummy, I went to knock my gynae's clinic door voluntarly to request for blood test on alternate days to make sure that my hormone level doubled up as expected!
The 6th week for ultra-sound scan seemed so long to wait! We saw the little dot and heartbeats on this first scan!!! Our precious little one is there!!! No words could describe our joys, we were so touched!!!

I was delighted that I had not much morning sickness except I could not stand steam fish and garlic smell. I did not eat much but I did not vomit except I felt extremely sleepy ever day, I can even felt to close-up my eyes when I was driving to and fro office.
Three months was so long to us! We can't wait to get it over so that we can shared our joy with our relatives and friends especially I have another three friends who strike about the same time as us!